Cambridge Tree Project
Cambridge Tree Project

Shrubs for Sale


Shrubs delivered to your door (rates available by request) or schedule convenient curbside pickup in downtown Cambridge seven days weekly 8am-8pm beginning April 2025.


Reserve your order by email or phone: 



Chokeberry, Black 

  (Aronia melanocarpa) Native

One of our best native shrubs for brilliant red fall color (see immediately above). Its glossy green leaves are also attractive throughout summer months and into early fall. White flowers in spring (pictured at top above) are followed by edible fruits that can be eaten raw, added to oatmeal, or preserved for jellies and jams. Fruits are considered a "super fruit" given their many health benefits. Grows in all soils: sandy, rocky, compacted clays and will even tolerate occasional flooding. Locate in sun for best fruit production, though chokeberry will also grow in partial shade. Fruiting occurs on juvenile plants, so expect crops the first year of planting! Reaches five ft. high and wide but will sucker and produce colonies if allowed (the birds will thank you).

NOTE: chokeberry shrubs are self-fertile: only one shrub is required to flower and set fruit.

  3 ft. tall (potted): $50


Buckeye, Bottlebrush 

  (Aesculus parviflora x 'Rogers') Rabbit and Deer Resistant

An outstanding specimen that thrives and flowers in sun or dense shade. White bottlebrush flowers arrive in June and combine with palmately compound leaves to create outstanding textural impact (see top pic, above, of a 18" shrub that was planted in 2011). Expect bright yellow color in fall (see immediately above) most years. Growth is slow, at six inches annually on six shrubs growing throughout Cambridge. Reaches ten ft. high and wide if left alone, or you can easily prune it back to a smaller size. Produces small quantities of buckeye nuts in fall which squirrels will immediately confiscate, so no worries. A great looking and trouble-free shrub.

  2 ft. tall seedling (potted): $45



Dogwood, Pagoda 

  (Cornus alternifolia) Native

This charmer offers attractively tiered, horizontal branching and fragrant white flowers (see middle picture above) that bloom from late May into early June and arrive within several years of planting. Small dark blue fruits positioned on reddish purple stalks (pictured in middle, above) arrive in late summer and attract many species of backyard birds including blue jays. Pagoda dogwood also provides shelter and nesting habitat for many types of wildlife. Pagodas begin flowering and fruiting as young plants. Mature size is 15 ft. high and 10 ft. wide at a growth rate of 12 inches annually. Like most understory plants, pagodas prefer life in the shade: best landscape conditions include morning sun followed by afternoon shade.

  3-4 ft. tall (pictured above, at left): $70

  4-5 ft. tall (pictured above, right): $95



Maple, Dwarf

  (Acer circinatum)

Vine maple approximates the appeal of Japanese maple with better cold hardiness and more appealing bark detail. Mature size remains compact, at only 15 ft. tall and wide. Features multiple artfully twisted trunks covered with bright reddish twigs (pictured immediately above). Fall color is yellow/orange (see top picture, above) and the reddish maple wings offer ornamental appeal (middle picture). Must be sited in deep garden soil with morning sun followed by afternoon shade. Protection from north and west are critical to successfully establish this species.

  3 ft. tall: $75




Gift Certificates

  - Mother's Day (May 11, 2025); Birthdays; House Warmings!

  - Email us for details:



Serviceberry 'Autumn Brilliance'

(Shrub Form) Deer Resistant

  (Amelanchier xgrandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance') Native

As pictured above, serviceberry offers four season appeal:

  - white flowers in spring

  - sweet, edible fruit that taste like blueberries and attract birds

  - reliable red fall color

  - ornamental smooth silvery/white bark

We offer 'Autumn Brilliance', a cultivar known for exceptional fall color, better bark detail (see above), faster juvenile growth (up to 2 ft. annually) and great tasting berries. 'Autumn Brilliance'  flowers and fruits as a young shrub so there's no waiting around. Easily grown locally in shade or sun. Choose tree or shrub form based on the way you prune your serviceberry. Reaches 20 ft. tall and wide with multiple erect stems. Excellent tasting fruit in June. Great for informal hedges or screens.

  5-6 ft. tall (pictured immediately above): $75




  (Lindera benzoin) Deer and Rabbit Resistant

No shrub can compete with the consistently impressive golden yellow fall color of spicebush (pictured at top, immediately above). It also produces adorably shiny red fruits on female trees (also pictured above). Muted yellow flowers appear in spring.  Faster growing for a shrub (18 inches annually on juvenile plants) and very tolerant of shade, but also happy when sited in sunny spots. Should be grown in good garden soil, not the best choice for newer subdivisions with thin, compacted soils. Grows to 10 ft. tall and wide.

NOTE: spicebush shrubs are single sexed: if you're looking for the ornamental fruit, we recommend buying three to (hopefully) assure there's a female and male. With three shrubs there's a 75% chance that you'll receive both sexes.

  3 ft. tall (potted): $60




  (Hamamelis virginiana) Native and Deer Resistant

Common understory shrub that offers sweetly scented yellow flowers at an unexpected time of the year: October! (see picture at top, above). Witchhazel also begin flowering at a relatively young age, typically just six years after seeds are sown, so our shrubs can be expected to flower several years after planting. Lustrous, waxy leaves (middle picture above) look great over summer months and consistently display golden yellow fall color in the Madison area (also pictured above, at lower middle). Artistically crooked branching creates four season architectural impact. Easy to grow in sun or shade. Bark is used for manufacture of the common medicinal. Reaches 10-15 ft. high and wide and is known to be long-lived (for a shrub) reaching up to 50 years old.

Note: witchhazel have perfect flowers, meaning that only one plant is necessary for full floral effect.

  3-4 ft. tall (pictured at right, above): $60

  4-5 ft. tall (pictured at left, above): $75



Proceeds from our non-profit tree sales have gifted and established over 1100 additional living trees in Cambridge since 2006

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